

3 Ways Property Managers Can Save Time (& Money)

It’s no secret that property managers are busy people. If you’re a successful manager with several properties and a small staff – or no staff – finding new ways to save time can really add up. These three time-saving tech tips can cut hours out of your work month. That’s time you could spend with … Continued

6 Ways To Fill Vacant Units Faster

Do you have empty apartments, homes or even commercial spaces that you just can’t find renters for? It’s important to fill vacant units quickly because the cost of an empty rental really adds up. For example, if the rent of your unit is $1000 per month, that means you’re losing $33.33 per day every day … Continued

5 Ways You Might Be Breaking The Law

Property managers and property owners are busy people. There are always units to turn, emails to send and piles of paperwork to get through. You’ve probably got more than enough on your plate already. But if you don’t keep up with the housing laws in your area, you might find yourself on the wrong side … Continued

4 Resident Event Ideas For Summer

Do you have any resident events planned for summer? Hosting resident appreciation events are a good way to interact with your renters and build community spirit to increase retention. In the warmer months, invite your renters outside for one of these four resident event ideas for summer. Share some sweet treats, watch a movie, help … Continued

3 Smart Rental Updates That Attract Tenants & Save Money

With the popularity of smart assistants like Google Home and Amazon Echo, it’s no surprise landlords and property managers are eager to add other smart devices to rental units and common areas. The new generation of smart home tools can help you reduce energy consumption, add convenience and improve security. With automated thermostats, keyless entry … Continued

Texting For Property Managers: 6 Do's & Don'ts

Do you ever text your tenants? How about your prospects? SMS texting has a lot of benefits for property managers. For one thing, sending a text is faster than writing an email or placing a call. Texts also have higher open rates than emails. And younger generations increasingly prefer texting over other forms of communication. … Continued

5 Things Renters Hate (& How To Fix Them)

It doesn’t matter whether you’re offering a penthouse or a basement studio, certain everyday frustrations will almost always stop potential renters from choosing your property. Be it old, battered appliances and fixtures, hideous flooring, tiny closets or untouchable walls – these obstacles make it hard for prospects to imagine making a rental unit feel like … Continued